Rising Leaders 2024/2025 Applications - 1 week before the deadline closes.

Rising Leaders is a programme funded by The Football Association (The FA) and delivered by AoC Sport as part of their commitment to increase the diversity of female volunteers and to develop greater equality of opportunities to ensure that opportunities are available for those who do not currently have fair access and representation within football.

The video of the programme which gives an overview can be found here.

Are you or do you know someone who is:

  • Aged 16-19 (16 as of 1st September 2024)
  • Studying Full time at an AoC Member College (Please see the list for eligible colleges- https://d4hfzltwt4wv7.cloudfront.net/uploads/files/227-colleges-in-England.pdf )
  • Female (or identifies as Female)
  • Ethnicity – From a historically underrepresented group (Black/Asian/mixed heritage)
  • Passionate about, involved in, and/ or have an aspiration to work/volunteer within Football.

Then please complete the relevant form below.



Staff nomination
