U7/8 new rules - dribble in / kick in

HI Guys,

The FA issued a video explaining the rationale for changing the rules and a summary - but I cant see any written guidance? I've encountered a few different interpretations over the summer from opposition coaches so keen to try and get something official that is consistent to share. My understanding is;

NO throw ins

Bal must be stationary on the sideline before coming back in play
Kick in or dribble in - if kick in you cant score direct from it & oppo have to be 5 yards away
Dribble in - as soon as you dribble in - its back in play fully (so a player can dribble in and score all the way - it does not have to touch another player)
Headers - indirect free kick where the header took place , unless it is in the penalty box in which case the free kick is taken from the nearest sideline of the penalty box - so not the line directly in front of the goal - always to the side.



  • Hi Rob, at Surrey we are saying all of that is correct apart from the headers. I have been told that it can be any line, just whichever is closest, so it can be the line parallel to the goal line.

    This was taken from our referee course:

    Touchline Restart:

    •When the whole of the ball passes over the touchline, on the ground or in the air, instead of a throw-in, a pass-in or dribble-in is awarded.

    •A kicker taking a pass-in may choose to touch the ball again before it is touched by another player

    At the momentof delivering the ball:

    •The ball must be stationary on the touchline at the point where it left the pitch; only the kicker may be off the pitch.

    •All opponents must stand at least 5 yards from the point on the touchline where the pass-in or dribble-in is to be taken.

    •A goal cannot be scored directly from a pass-in.

    •The ball is in play when it is kicked and clearly moves.


    Hope this helps. Please reach out if you need any more support across the rest of the season and best of luck in your caoching

  • Hi I have a question regarding this. The guidance states that you can’t score direct from a kick in! In our league at the moment a lot of teams are blasting the ball towards goal hoping for a header or deflection to me this isn’t promoting the correct behaviours. If a shot goes in from one of these is that classed as a goal direct from it? Or because it go a touch it’s allowed? Surely they should be looking to pass not just a punt towards goal. Same with corners kicking them high into the box hoping for a header and indirect free kick. Surely should be teaching kids to pass and play football. 

  • Hi I have a question regarding this. The guidance states that you can’t score direct from a kick in! In our league at the moment a lot of teams are blasting the ball towards goal hoping for a header or deflection to me this isn’t promoting the correct behaviours. If a shot goes in from one of these is that classed as a goal direct from it? Or because it go a touch it’s allowed? Surely they should be looking to pass not just a punt towards goal. Same with corners kicking them high into the box hoping for a header and indirect free kick. Surely should be teaching kids to pass and play football. 
