Youth Investors Award… recognising youth leaders in football clubs in Lincolnshire

Youth Investors Award… recognising youth leaders in football clubs in Lincolnshire

Welcome to the Lincolnshire FA Youth Council’s Youth Investors Award!

As chair of the Lincolnshire FA Youth Council, it brings me great pleasure to share one of our newest projects with you. I want to provide an update on our Youth Investors Award and then signpost you to our website where you will be able to find further information. 

Since forming in 2021, the Lincolnshire FA Youth Council have run a number of projects however. for me, this is a stand-out, and one which I am immensely proud of my team for achieving.

In simple terms, The Youth Investors Award is available to clubs of all sizes and is designed to recognise clubs who have successfully embedded Youth Voice within their club leadership. As a result of receiving this award, all members of the clubs Youth Group or Committee will receive a pin badge presented by a member of the Lincolnshire FA Youth Council. The club will also receive a framed version of the Youth Investors Award Certificate.

We have created a number of criteria for applying clubs and have also created our own application form. This award has been something the Lincolnshire FA Youth Council have done for themselves.

As a Youth Council, we are keen that we are achieving objectives rather than just holding a number of meetings and doing a lot of talking! Conversation is great, but action is even better.

We wanted to put together an award that would encourage clubs to develop how they hear the opinions and voices of their players. Junior football is for the players. This award is a landmark step in ensuring young people have a say and are heard in terms of how football develops within Lincolnshire.

Myself and Ethan Freeston (Youth Committees Lead for the Lincolnshire FA Youth Council) pitched this award and idea at a local event held at Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln. We presented to approximately 80 people on the work of our Youth Council and the launch of youth groups within clubs and leagues. Since the launch, a number of Lincolnshire clubs have since been in contact with us to inform us of their creation of a youth group or committee and thus their intention to apply for our award. 

A huge amount of credit must go to Ethan for this project as he has led on this since the launch. Ethan also provides a fantastic link for us as a County Youth Council with the National Youth Council. Congratulations Ethan and thank you!

It has been somewhat of a roller coaster few months for the Lincolnshire FA Youth Council and I must thank the local clubs, big and small, for embracing our project. As I said previously in my blog, football is for the players, and we must hear their opinions! We have created a simple 5 step plan for creating your own Youth Group or Committee within your club and I would encourage all team managers or club managers to consider doing so.

Before I finish, I want to thank each and every member of my team at the Lincolnshire FA Youth Council. None of this would be possible without your continuous efforts.

Moving forward, as a player are you confident enough to have your own say? Do you feel heard in your football club? As a manager, are you listening to your players? Believe me, as young as they may be, their honest opinions can cut to the chase faster than some board rooms!

More information can be found here: Lincolnshire FA Youth Council Launch Youth Investors Award - Lincolnshire FA