How easy was the Club Affiliation process? Were there any difficulties?

How easy was the Club Affiliation process? Were there any difficulties?

  • Whilst the process has become much easier over time, there are still issues that can be difficult to resolve electronically. An example is adding an additional during the August-June FA season. this feeds into the main issue for me, ie we play in a summer league so have to affiliate twice during a summer season and have to register all the players again in July. I would also agree with the issue of mixed gender teams.

  • I still can’t fathom why all the players need to be registered again. That definitely needs to be different for walking football as we don’t have a definitive season as such and a number of leagues run multiple seasons within any 12 months (winter, summer leagues etc) and Les’s point about summer leagues that straddle the months of June and July is a nightmare for secretaries. 

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