How do you make matchday fun?

How do you make matchday fun?

In this blog, The FA’s Vicky Fisher and Vinny Halsall discuss some ideas and ways that can help create a great matchday experience for players. 

Select the videos below: 


How do you ensure you are creating a great experience for players on matchday? Let us know below.  

  • Am always making sure that from kids to parents enjoy turning up playing and watching the game even when we win or lose.The kid had fun and we get good positive from parents.Then I have a box of sweet that I offer the other team and our team too.Also making sure that all kid go shake the other team hands after the game.

  • Am always making sure that from kids to parents enjoy turning up playing and watching the game even when we win or lose.The kid had fun and we get good positive from parents.Then I have a box of sweet that I offer the other team and our team too.Also making sure that all kid go shake the other team hands after the game.

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