WFLA New Facebook Page

The Walking Football Leagues Alliance has a new Facebook page.

The WFLA is a free to join, non-political, independent support network whose aims are to help establish, promote, and support FA affiliated walking football leagues and to encourage the growth of grassroots competitive walking football in safe environments. All WFLA national and local tournaments are all sanctioned by local FA’s, which sit under the rules and regulations of the Football Association.

Free membership is open to the organisers of any local or National FA affiliated walking football league.

If your league qualifies for membership please contact us

The WFLA is run by a volunteer Alliance Management Committee drawn from member leagues. Currently the WFLA represents over 500 teams.

Is your FA Walking Football League an affiliated member of the Walking Football Leagues Alliance? If they are listed below then you should have received information about next years WFLA National Cup directly from your league. If your league is not listed then why not? It is free for your FA league to affiliate with the WFLA and open up lots of opportunities to share best practice and help unify our game. Visit to find out how to affiliate your league.
Our current membership stands at 26 FA affiliated walking football leagues.
Age UK Cornwall Walking Football League
Birmingham County Walking Football League
Cheshire FA Walking Football League
Devon Walking Football League
Dorset Walking Football League
Durham County FA walking foot league
East Riding FA walking football league
Essex Walking Football League
Essex Women’s walking football league
Greater Manchester walking football league
Hereford Football Association walking football league
Lancashire County walking football league
Lincolnshire FA walking football league
Middlesex FA walking football league
Northamptonshire FA walking football league
Nottinghamshire FA East of England Walking Football league
Oxfordshire walking football league
Peterborough and District walking football league
Sheffield and Hallamshire County FA walking football flexi league
Spedding Goldthorpe Northern Counties walking football league
Staffordshire walking football league
Surrey FA walking football league
Thames Valley walking football league
Wales Walking Football National League
Walking Football Northern Premier League
Wiltshire County walking football league
As the list shows we have member leagues from all around the country and membership is free for those leagues, so if you play walking football in an FA affiliated walking football league then ask those running your league as to why they haven’t yet joined this growing organisation?