Community Suggestion

Could there be a section/feature designed specifically for LOTG clarifications?

My thinking is that across various Social Media platforms there appear to be many occasions when there are questions raised about aspects of the LOTGs/clarification sought by individuals/clubs/leagues, but no single place where you can find the FA’s interpretation/final decision.

What I would like to see is some some of forum where a question could be asked, individuals could perhaps be allowed to debate but ultimately the FA could issue their final decision and then must importantly block or close off the thread so that the discussion is then frozen.

From that point, perhaps until the next revision of the LOTGs, all clubs and leagues playing under FA rules would then be expected to abide by the FA ruling.

By way of an example, I recently asked (not via this forum) whether it was OK for kick-isn/roll-ins to be interchangeable during matches - the LOTG just describe how each work, but I play in a league where only kick-ins are allowed. If I asked a similar question via this forum, ultimately I would like to see the FA clearly stating one of the following:- (A), either method must be allowed in any single game or competition, (B) only one method should be adopted, or (C) it is another item that can be included in the appendix list of variations allowed and therefore up to the organisers to decide.

Another example of ambiguity/clarification required is the backpass to the goalkeeper (either from open play or from a kick-in/roll-in) - there is nothing written in the LOTG to say whether the GK can pick the ball up with their hands or like ‘normal’ 11-a-side, the GK can only play the ball with feet!

All very well having open forums to discuss these issues but currently there is no one place online where the FA can effectively close the debate down with their ruling….

  • Make my life a lot quieter RoflRoflRoflRofl

    • Hi John, really great suggestion and one we could consider. Part of the development plan for this community is to sort and file the discussion threads so those coming in new can find information more easily so we can look at doing this too. 

      • The next step would be to find a way of all teams, leagues, organisations knowing whether the FA clarifications are and ensure that the clarifications are then implemented by everyone! 

        • Hi John, we've now implemented your suggestion. You'll find the forum is now divided into General Questions and Laws of the Game Questions.

          • Excellent, thanks for letting me know.
            Would it now be possible to go back through the various topics already listed in the ‘General’ section and transfer to the new LOTG section any that relate specifically to LOTG and where the FA has issued a ‘ruling’?
            I can already see that at the start of the forum there was a Rules Query that Flo added a green tick to, so show that the FA had made a decision….