Does your club have a Welfare Officer? If so, what does their role entail?

Does your club have a Welfare Officer? If so, what does their role entail?

  • I currently hold the role but only as an interim position. I see the role as a link between the members and the committee to ensure that the club has suitable practices in place to support both the club and the members. I see it as a position that helps members identify other organisations that can offer support. We have close relationships with mental health groups in the area. We also have members who have undertaken mental health training so we can use those members for support if required. 

  • I currently hold the role but only as an interim position. I see the role as a link between the members and the committee to ensure that the club has suitable practices in place to support both the club and the members. I see it as a position that helps members identify other organisations that can offer support. We have close relationships with mental health groups in the area. We also have members who have undertaken mental health training so we can use those members for support if required. 

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