How soon are you going to introduce new members to this forum? In my opinion its not generating enough discussion at the moment.

The platform needs an injection of new members to make the discussions more worthwhile. I suspect many of the members haven't even visited the site recently.

  • I agree. However, one of the downsides to this site is unless you set it up for email alerts when new comments come in it is easy to forget about it. I know I did for a few months at the start and had to change my settings. So even if there are new people joining it still may not create the level of conversation desired for this reason.

  • A further frustration is that even with email alerts, if you are not currently logged into the England Football system, the link in those emails only takes you to the log on page and then to the main TeamWalk Online page - it needs to link straight through to the specific forum thread it is alerting you about.  It's just too 'clunky' with too many steps at present and will put many people off using the forum.

  • Agreed - at present it does feel like its turning into a big white elephant!

  • Hi All, thank you for your feedback on this. We have a range of research and insights around online communities and how it is best to develop and grow, alongside our roadmap for how this community is built to ensure that when we reach the stage of 'open access' it is fit for purpose and meets the needs of the audience we are hoping to service longer term. We will be revisiting this over the coming weeks to ensure we are on track and whether any of our timelines need to be changed to support the comments you have provided. Please rest assured that the engagement and content we have from you all is very valuable and your patience is much appreciated.