Do you organise and deliver festivals and competitions?

What's been your past experience in hosting Walking Football events or do you have an appetite to get involved in organising one?

  • Sadly, our club is simply too small to ever consider organising an event.

  • I have arranged many tournaments over the years both internally and externally. I am actually in the final moments of organising this years event on behalf of Grimsby Corinthians. We have always been very succesful and had many teams return each year but this year is proving to be the hardest. We have excleelnt facilitis and provide top referees and a superb post tournament buffet but the calendar now is just too crowded. We have teams unable to attend due to International competitions and when you factor in that we now have 3 'International' Rep teams the calendar is littered with both training and compettion events. I an not certain that next year we will bother organising one. We have never done it for profit and have always just tried to break even but that is getting harder to do. 

  • I have organised several tournaments on behalf of the clubs I have been involved with. All have been very successful but they have never made the club any money. We are lucky to have access to great facilities that include multiple changing facilities and a bar/cafe from which a superb buffet is provided after the tournament. I am in the final throes of organising this year’s tournament that takes place next month and it has been hard work this year due to the very crowded WF calendar with clubs not able to attend. This could well be the final one I organise.