How confident are you with your club's first aid provision?

Parents Reply Children
  •    What particular challenges are you both facing in getting volunteers to complete the training?

  • Apathy!  Most of our club players simply want to play footie and not get involved in any of the organisation - that goes as far as most not even wanting to 'pick the teams'!

    I am not sure individuals want to be in any way 'responsible' should an emergency arise, so keep their heads below the parapet.

    I think there is also a reluctance to pay £30+ to complete the digital training course.

  • Similar to my reply regarding warm-up routines, the majority of our players are reluctant to become 'responsible' and simply want to turn up and play.

    I think the £30 fee for the digital course might also be a deterrent. 

  • I agree the £30 fee probably puts a lot of people off, especially when many of the walking football teams/clubs do not have huge budgets like. Also, having done a few first aid courses in my time, I do think the £30 level 1 should be free, and your level 2 should be a lot cheaper so that people can actually get hands on experience. Watching a few videos is not going to give someone the confidence required to perform CPR in real life.

    Whilst many leagues do request a first aider is present with each team, I do not believe every team has one. Our club is fortunate to have applied for and secured funding for our volunteers to complete the training, but not many would have done.

    the Lincolnshire league pay to have qualified first aiders at each match day as whilst we know we could keep this in house through the fa training, the players felt safer knowing there were qualified first aiders on hand.