Nominations To TeamWalk

I realise that county FA's have nominated the initial members of TeamWalk but I know of quite a few very well respected individuals, with a wealth of experience in walking football who would be a great asset to this site.

It seems a shame that these people are not part of this online community.

  • Thanks for the comment Bill. Absolutely, we want this community to be open for everyone in Walking Football and to be a place where all knowledge can be shared. In this first phase of TeamWalk Online our aim is to refine the content we are delivering and the way the community works so it will be most effective and helpful whenever we expand. In phase 2 we will definitely be looking for suggestions of who to invite to the group. 

  • Thanks for the comment Bill. Absolutely, we want this community to be open for everyone in Walking Football and to be a place where all knowledge can be shared. In this first phase of TeamWalk Online our aim is to refine the content we are delivering and the way the community works so it will be most effective and helpful whenever we expand. In phase 2 we will definitely be looking for suggestions of who to invite to the group. 

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