Player types

In my experience most clubs cater for social and competitive players. How does this forum plan on catering for all player types; from those who wish to just get active right up to those who want to play more competitively or continue on from vets football?

  • Hi Hannah, do you think it would be useful to create a resource that explains the different ways to play? On the website: Walking Football | England Football there are details about how to find Clubs and Competitions and more informal opportunities through Just Play, and The Age UK programme.

  • I think there is enough information out there about how to play. Its more to get an understanding of how this forum, and the FA would support the different player types.

    Also, with regards to the Age UK sessions, our local club tried to set up one of these Just play sessions and whilst the option to do this is available on the FA website, we ended up being sent around the houses and discovered that no cub can now set up these sessions as the person working for Age UK has now left, and there is no further funding etc available. We therefore had to withdraw the games under this umbrella. 

  • I think there is enough information out there about how to play. Its more to get an understanding of how this forum, and the FA would support the different player types.

    Also, with regards to the Age UK sessions, our local club tried to set up one of these Just play sessions and whilst the option to do this is available on the FA website, we ended up being sent around the houses and discovered that no cub can now set up these sessions as the person working for Age UK has now left, and there is no further funding etc available. We therefore had to withdraw the games under this umbrella. 

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