What would be your Top Tip for hosting a SAFE Walking Football Session?
What would be your Top Tip for hosting a SAFE Walking Football Session?
That the venue/pitch has been risk assessed by a responsible person. That someone qualified in first aid and has knowledge of the close proximity of a difib and post code of the venue is on site. The person conducting the session has basic knowledge of an adequate warm up and cool down. Also ideally has a sound understanding of the rules and is able to reasonably manage people. Finally all participants personal details are securely kept but are able to be accessed in case of an emergency.
That the venue/pitch has been risk assessed by a responsible person. That someone qualified in first aid and has knowledge of the close proximity of a difib and post code of the venue is on site. The person conducting the session has basic knowledge of an adequate warm up and cool down. Also ideally has a sound understanding of the rules and is able to reasonably manage people. Finally all participants personal details are securely kept but are able to be accessed in case of an emergency.