The FA Walking Football Advisory Group - Representative Nominations

The FA Walking Football Advisory Group - Representative Nominations

Grassroots Representative Nominations Open

The FA Walking Football Advisory Group which reports into the Football Development Committee is looking to recruit a  Grassroots Representative(s).

 As a reminder the Advisory Group was set up with the following objectives:

  • To provide relevant experience and expertise ensuring appropriate governance of Walking Football and that The FA’s support for the game is aligned to where it is needed most.
  • To support in filling knowledge gaps in order to ensure a well informed and well-rounded approach to The FA’s work in this space.
  • To act as a sounding board for proposed interventions delivered by The FA executive.


Grassroots Representative(s) – Focused upon individuals involved in the grassroots delivery of the game. We are looking for individuals who can bring experience and expertise covering various facets of grassroots delivery across both men’s and women’s provision including club development, competition delivery, refereeing and recreational engagement. We are ideally looking for individuals who can bring their own thoughts but are also well connected within the game and can therefore additionally represent the wider views of their peers. We request that nominations are made via a County FA and that each County FA makes a maximum of one nomination in this category.

Please discuss this with your local County FA to put forward any nominations - if you do not know how to contact your County FA, please see info here: County FAs | The Football Association ( 

Membership will be reviewed every two years and a member is permitted to undertake a maximum of three term limits. The group is scheduled to meet six times a year with a mixture of online and face-to-face meetings. 

If you have any questions in relation to this process, please contact Deadline for any nominations is Monday 4th December 2024.