Laws of the Game Review

Laws of the Game Review

The current version of the FA Laws of Walking Football (the ‘Laws’) were introduced in June 2019 and revised annually. Given the continued growth of the game, we are now completing the review process in line with the typical Walking Football calendar.

The review will be carried out by the FA Walking Football Advisory Group (the ‘Group’) with consultation from the Walking Football Referee Working Group. To inform the discussions, we are inviting County FAs to submit any proposals for change beforehand. Those proposals must be submitted by 12pm on Tuesday 29th August. 

We will be encouraging County FAs to consult with representatives of their Walking Football sessions, and Leagues and Competitions, including players, facilitators and referees before they can submit their proposals. Please speak to your County FA if you wish to submit any Law change proposals.

We anticipate that there will be proposals to make ‘minor’ amendments to the current wording of some Laws and more substantial proposals, which may require ‘trialling’ before potentially being introduced as Law.

*Please note that we are currently completing trials regarding a proposed ‘team foul count’ in place of blue cards for individual walking offences so this will not need to be submitted.

The current version of the Laws is attached.

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