Referee Payments


I was wondering how clubs make referee payments. Is it cash, bank transfer? How do you ensure that refs are paid before match end to not incur fines? If they are paid cash what information is kept for the audit trail. 

Is their a forum for treasurers? Where can I find info on best record keeping etc. 

Thank you.

  • Zarina, I think most clubs go with the referees preference for payment . In my experience cash is the first choice, its immediate at point of game whereas transfers are post match and could be an added burden on the treasurer.

    One process that I know is adopted is that the individual  referee fees for games on any  particular day are placed in envelopes with the referees name on it. These are left with the staff behind the tea counter and are given to the referee after the game against signature. In consequence the audit trail is established.

    You may want to look at the FA web site on club volunteer roles and responsibilities. This is what it says about Treasurers

    Treasurer Who will I be responsible to? The Club Committee.

    Who will I be responsible for? Match/Training Fees Collector.

    What is the role of the Treasurer? The main purpose of this job is to look after the finances of the club.

    What else can you tell me about the job? The Treasurer must be well organised, able to keep records, careful when handling money and cheques, scrupulously honest, able to answer questions in meetings, confident handling figures and prepared to take instant decisions when necessary.

    How much time will I need to give to the job? Approximately two to three hours per week. What sort of tasks are involved? Tasks will include: • Collecting subscriptions and all money due to the organisation; • Paying the bills and recording information; • Keeping up-to -date records of all financial transactions; • Ensuring that all cash and cheques are promptly deposited in the bank or building society; • Ensuring that funds are spent properly; • Issuing receipts for all money received and recording this information; • Reporting regularly to the Committee on the financial position; • Preparing a year end statement of accounts to present to the auditors; • Arranging for the statement of accounts to be audited; • Presenting a year-end financial report to the AGM ; • Financial planning, including producing an annual budget and monitoring it throughout the year; • Helping to prepare and submit any statutory documents that are required (eg, VA T returns, PA YE and NI returns, grant aid reports). Even if these duties are delegated to a professional officer, the Treasurer is still ultimately responsible. It is up to the Treasurer to make sure that any delegated work is done properly.

    There is also a section on Fund Raising Secretary

    Your County FA may have forums, have you tried them. In my County FA they have a forum for new volunteers to exchange questions and solutions.


  • Thank you, that's very helpful. I will also check out the County FA website.