Playing Up In Girls Football

I manage an u15s girls team. Dual age band, so years 9 and 10 eligible.

There is a Year 8 player who plays with older girls at her local ADC and has the size, ability and desire to play up. Our team would happily welcome her next season. 

Under current rules, girls can play up by a year. However, no one can play up into an age group that contains two year groups - as in this player's case, she'd be playing with year 9s AND year 10s; so she has to simply stay in the team that isn't necessarily best for her development because of the way the teams have fallen for the year group above her.

I've picked up in a few forum comments that with the blessing of your local FA, players *can* in fact play up two years providing there is a supporting case and coaches that have involvement with said player are behind the notion, but I'm struggling to find any hard and fast evidence other than what I've seen a few coaches saying online. 

Can anyone provide me with some information on this? Ideally with online info that I can share with my club? It's a grey area that I'd welcome any input on.
