FA Learning

Started the Introduction to Coaching course, and only have week 3 remaining. I am attempting to complete the learning modules for week 1 and week 2, however, the system says I am a member of the audience so unable to participate. I have tried clicking on the links in my emails that show I have completed the webinars etc but still no luck. Any info on where I am going wrong would be amazing!!! 

  • Agreed, the online course page is not the best, I also encountered an issue where it was saying only 20% complete. I believe what you need to do (at least what i have found works) is go to your online learning -> engaging players (which is basically week 1) then just work through the 'Interactive modules' which are How to behave as a coach, and Introduction to Disability Football. Once you have done both, your progress bar will update. 

  • Agreed, the online course page is not the best, I also encountered an issue where it was saying only 20% complete. I believe what you need to do (at least what i have found works) is go to your online learning -> engaging players (which is basically week 1) then just work through the 'Interactive modules' which are How to behave as a coach, and Introduction to Disability Football. Once you have done both, your progress bar will update. 

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