Challenges for a newly starting coach

Hello, I am an 18 year old teenager from Lebanon that has been coaching for nearly 2 years now. I found some difficulties at first but found my way out by learning. Beside some tactical weaknesses I am still trying to resolve, I am facing a big problem affirming myself. In the academy I work in, I am always considered as a poorly based coach, even though I am the only one that is capable of training the U6 team, while everyone else tried. It gets me to the point that I feel irrelevant and useless, just good with kids, while in the meantime most of the U13 parents for example are always excited to see me train their children. This is what got me questioning, is the problem from me or from the directory staff. I don't know if I'm the first one facing this type of problems, or even if I am asking at the right place, but my question is how can I get to prove myself as a coach, and how can I face this, because it is giving me a hard time mentally, to a point that takes me to the desire of quitting football.

  • Hey mate, I feel like I am in the same boat as you. I am also 18 and I'm struggling to prove myself as a coach. What I have learnt is literally just keep doing what you're doing, make good connections with your team and the parents, then eventually it'll get the attention of your directory staff or colleagues. Sometimes for me, I just try and continue to do my best because eventually they will be forced to see how good you are. At the end of the day, it's more about how the players feel and whether they're enjoying the sessions or not, I try to focus on that more, you know. We are still young so don't give up just yet.They can't ignore results, whether that's winning matches or improving players' ability, so I'd keep aiming to do that. Hope that can help in any way! 

  • Hey mate, I feel like I am in the same boat as you. I am also 18 and I'm struggling to prove myself as a coach. What I have learnt is literally just keep doing what you're doing, make good connections with your team and the parents, then eventually it'll get the attention of your directory staff or colleagues. Sometimes for me, I just try and continue to do my best because eventually they will be forced to see how good you are. At the end of the day, it's more about how the players feel and whether they're enjoying the sessions or not, I try to focus on that more, you know. We are still young so don't give up just yet.They can't ignore results, whether that's winning matches or improving players' ability, so I'd keep aiming to do that. Hope that can help in any way! 
