Do you ever seek feedback from your players after training? If so, what questions do you ask? What responses do you get? And how have you used their responses to shape your sessions moving forward?
If you haven't tried asking your players for feedback before, Adam Dunleavy has set you the following challenge on the latest episode of Coachcast:
"Get some feedback after sessions from your players. Ask the group questions about your sessions. Are they having fun? Are they enjoying it? What did they like about it? And what might you be able to change to make them enjoy it even more?
"The challenge should be about taking the opportunity to be vulnerable because sometimes we ask the questions and don't always love the answers that we get back, or we find them surprising. Try to connect with how your players are perceiving your sessions. Also, let us know how being vulnerable felt, what did you learn, and what do you plan to do with the information?"
As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts on this, so post your comments below!