Yearly curriculum for a grass routes teams.

Hi all

I am grass routes club with 6 years experience, FA Lvl1.

I would like to structure the season's training for each team at the club. Ideally same topics, different practices depending on age.

Not to specifically provide training plans for each session, but training topics for sections of the season.

For example:

Sept / Oct - Out possession defending

session 1 - pressing the ball

Session 2 - emergency defending

Session 3 - defensive transition

Nov / Dec - In possession from the back

session 1 - goalkeeper distribution

session 2 - wing work

session 3 - movement off the ball

Jan / Feb - transition

session 1 - attacking

Session 2 - defensive

session 3 - ?

Has anyone done similar, can you provide some insight/help?

  • Hi Geoffrey, thanks for your question around planning a yearly curriculum for Grassroots teams.

    A few suggestions here to get discussion going:

    • Creating some form of plan to help guide coaches at your Grassroots club is definitely a positive idea.
    • Consider a few key messages, aligned to your Club philosophy, to underpin practice sessions.
    • Examples could include: high levels of activity/ball rolling time, games-based approach to practice design, engaging arrival activities in small groups at the start of every session meaning that early arrivers can get going straight away, player ownership and decision making throughout sessions with coaches focusing on small group interventions and individual coaching and challenges.
    • Use THEMES to help guide coaches planning. Principles of Play would be a good starting place here as there are 5 in-possession principles and 5 out of possession principles.

    Linked to my last point, a themed approach can provide a framework which enables individual coaches flexibility in their planning depending on the age and stage of their group.

    Hope this helps and happy tp pick up any questions.

    Regards, Vinny Halsall