DNA Insights Podcast Episode 4

Hi coaches

I hope you enjoyed episode 4 and the deeper dive into some of the things we would like you to consider as you plan your weekly sessions.

To encourage further discussion, in your experience, what things have worked really well for you and your players regarding fun and engagement? Sharing these ideas will help us all I am sure.

I love my "Which ball is best" game as a starter activity and it immediately poses some game problems for the players to solve. If you haven't seen it yet, make sure you visit the Boot Room to get the session plan and watch the video.

I look forward to your replies. 


  • A thought on what has worked really well for me. What ever the game, see every child doing something well, and recognise this. Use their name first, then the specific thing they’ve done well. Try not to distract them with your comment and don’t expect an acknowledgment - hopefully they’ll just keep playing with an extra spring in their step.

    Enjoyed the reflection on ‘the 1 thing’ important to include in your coaching .... ‘Everything’ GrinThumbsupClap  Aside from the variety in their play, my 1 thing would be ensuring every child finishes the session knowing they are important.

    Thanks for another great listen.

  • A thought on what has worked really well for me. What ever the game, see every child doing something well, and recognise this. Use their name first, then the specific thing they’ve done well. Try not to distract them with your comment and don’t expect an acknowledgment - hopefully they’ll just keep playing with an extra spring in their step.

    Enjoyed the reflection on ‘the 1 thing’ important to include in your coaching .... ‘Everything’ GrinThumbsupClap  Aside from the variety in their play, my 1 thing would be ensuring every child finishes the session knowing they are important.

    Thanks for another great listen.

  • James, thanks for the post and you identify a great "1 thing". It sounds like your sessions are full of praise and encouragement and this is a great place to start. We know that over time we reduce the praise so that it is focussed less on the everyday (things that players should be able to do) and more on things that are above and beyond our expectations. Thanks for commenting. Pete