DNA Insights Podcast Episode 2

Hi coaches, hopefully you are engaging with this forum having listened to and enjoyed episode 1 of our DNA Insights podcasts.  With the release today of the second episode I want to pose a couple of questions to get the discussion going. Here goes:

  • The FA is really going after the development of more skilful players. The podcast supports this approach so what else would coaches need to get them on board with this very important initiative?
  • What might the biggest barriers be to this initiative becoming successful and having a major influence on how we develop our youngest players?

This last part is not a question but a request for coaches to share their stories and their own experiences if they have decided to adopt this methodology. This could be a very powerful thing and will help other coaches understand that they are not alone and that this approach is such a positive and enjoyable way to work with young people.

I look forward to reading your responses and hope that you enjoy episode 2.

Take care 


  • Hi Pete,

    This is such a great resource.  As a chairman of a grassroots club, we've just recruited 3 new coaches to work at the FP and this is such a valuable resource and works as a great introduction to coaching in a really manageable and accessible way.  I have shared it with them along with one of absolute favourite pearls of wisdom from you "success is getting them to keep coming back" which i think ALL coaches coming into the game should live by.  Can't wait for the next episode!

  • Hi Pete,

    This is such a great resource.  As a chairman of a grassroots club, we've just recruited 3 new coaches to work at the FP and this is such a valuable resource and works as a great introduction to coaching in a really manageable and accessible way.  I have shared it with them along with one of absolute favourite pearls of wisdom from you "success is getting them to keep coming back" which i think ALL coaches coming into the game should live by.  Can't wait for the next episode!

  • Daniel, thanks for the positive feedback and I am so glad the podcast episodes have been of use. Sharing them is a great idea as it can bring everyone at your club to the same page and from there you can develop your club identity from some very sound age appropriate foundations. Great to have you with us on this as we need to try to influence across all levels of the game. Take care. PeteThumbsup