One child significantly below the standard of the other boys

Hi - I am coach for an U8s team, we are dads of the boys, and have training every Saturday morning, with matches in a league on a Sunday morning. 19 out of the 20 boys are super enthusiastic and work hard at training and away from training to improve and develop, we have one boy in the group who only comes to training once a week, his parents have chosen that he is not ready to play weekly matches, but will come and train for 1 hour a week with us.

His dad had said he was going to make the commitment that he was going to pursue independent classes with him over the summer in an effort boost his ability to be closer to the standard of the other boys, since it was apparent that he was some way of their standard. However I am not sure this happened, since when he joined us in September, after the summer break - and his standard was exactly the same.

The boy has been with us for 4-5 months, and unfortunately hasn't developed at all, while the other 19 boys have significantly advanced. Widening the gap even further. This boy needs genuine focus on the most very basic skills as footballer, which we are unable to provide due to resources available, and because where the other 19 boys are now on their development path.

I have spoke with the other 3 coaches, and we are of a mind to speak to the parents, and see if they can find a football school or academy where his son can learn the very basics, in an environment where he can feel confident and learn at his own pace. With boys of a similar level. Since he is clearly on such a different development path to the other 19 boys, and it’s counterproductive to carry on as we are.

I wanted to know how others feel about this? Thanks

  • Hello Virr. Children of this age develop at different rates, I think the parents have done the right thing by getting the young person to work at their own pace. The child you see at 8 is not the same as the child at 18. Be careful how early you make judgement on young players, as they will change as they grow. Make sure your sessions are fun and engaging this is where the improvemt and learning happens.